Source code for pytest_iam

import datetime
import threading
import uuid
import wsgiref.simple_server
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any

import portpicker
import pytest
from canaille import create_app
from import models
from canaille.core.models import Group
from canaille.core.models import User
from canaille.core.populate import fake_groups
from canaille.core.populate import fake_users
from canaille.oidc.basemodels import Token
from canaille.oidc.installation import generate_keypair
from flask import Flask
from flask import g

[docs] class Server: """A proxy object that is returned by the pytest fixture.""" #: The port on which the local http server listens port: int #: The authorization server flask app app: Flask #: The module containing the available model classes models: ModuleType def __init__(self, app, port: int): = app self.port = port self.httpd = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server("localhost", port, app) self.models = models self.logged_user = None def logged_user(): if self.logged_user: g.user = self.logged_user @property def url(self) -> str: """The URL at which the IAM server is accessible.""" return f"http://localhost:{self.port}/"
[docs] def random_user(self, **kwargs) -> User: """Generates a :class:`~canaille.core.models.User` with random values. Any parameter will be used instead of a random value. """ with user = fake_users()[0] user.update(**kwargs) return user
[docs] def random_group(self, **kwargs) -> Group: """Generates a :class:`~canaille.core.models.Group` with random values. Any parameter will be used instead of a random value. """ with group = fake_groups(nb_users_max=0)[0] group.update(**kwargs) return group
[docs] def random_token(self, subject, client, **kwargs) -> Token: """Generates a test :class:`~canaille.oidc.basemodels.Token` with random values. Any parameter will be used instead of a random value. """ with token = self.models.Token( id=str(uuid.uuid4()), token_id=str(uuid.uuid4()), access_token=str(uuid.uuid4()), client=client, subject=subject, type="access_token", refresh_token=str(uuid.uuid4()), scope=client.scope,, lifetime=3600, audience=[client], ) token.update(**kwargs) return token
[docs] def login(self, user): """Opens a session for the user in the IAM session. This allows to skip the connection screen. """ self.logged_user = user
[docs] def consent(self, user, client=None): """Make a user consent to share data with OIDC clients. :param client: If :const:`None`, all existing clients are consented. """ with clients = [client] if client else models.Client.query() consents = [ self.models.Consent( consent_id=str(uuid.uuid4()), client=client, subject=user, scope=client.scope,, ) for client in clients ] for consent in consents: if len(consents) > 1: return consents if len(consents) == 1: return consents[0] return None
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def iam_configuration(tmp_path_factory) -> dict[str, Any]: """Fixture for editing the configuration of :meth:`~pytest_iam.iam_server`.""" private_key, public_key = generate_keypair() return { "TESTING": True, "ENV_FILE": None, "SECRET_KEY": str(uuid.uuid4()), "WTF_CSRF_ENABLED": False, "CANAILLE": { "JAVASCRIPT": False, "ACL": { "DEFAULT": { "PERMISSIONS": ["use_oidc", "manage_oidc"], } }, "LOGGING": { "version": 1, "formatters": { "default": { "format": "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s in %(module)s: %(message)s", } }, "handlers": { "canaille": { "class": "logging.NullHandler", "formatter": "default", } }, "root": {"level": "DEBUG", "handlers": ["canaille"]}, }, }, "CANAILLE_OIDC": { "DYNAMIC_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_OPEN": True, "JWT": { "PUBLIC_KEY": public_key, "PRIVATE_KEY": private_key, }, }, }
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def iam_server(iam_configuration) -> Server: """Fixture that creates a Canaille server listening a random port in a thread.""" port = portpicker.pick_unused_port() app = create_app( config=iam_configuration, env_file=".pytest-iam.env", env_prefix="PYTEST_IAM_" ) server = Server(app, port) server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.httpd.serve_forever) server_thread.start() try: with app.app_context(): yield server finally: server.httpd.shutdown() server_thread.join()