
pytest-iam spawns a lightweight OAuth2 / OpenID Server (OIDC) in a thread to be used in your test suite. The machinery involves Canaille and Authlib.


pip install pytest-iam


pytest-iam provides tools to test your application authentication mechanism against a OAuth2/OIDC server:

  • It launches a Canaille instance

  • It provides a iam_server fixture that comes with several features:

    • the URL of the IAM server to configure your application

    • IAM models (Users, groups, clients, tokens etc.) to prepare your tests and check the side effects. More details on the reference

    • utilities to log-in users and give their consent to your application

    • utilities to generate random users and groups

To run a full authentication process for a client application in your test, you can write something like this:

def test_authentication(iam_server, testapp, client):
    # create a random user on the IAM server
    user = iam_server.random_user()

    # logs the user in give its consent to your application

    # simulate an attempt to access a protected page of your app
    response = testapp.get("/protected", status=302)

    # get an authorization code request at the IAM
    res = requests.get(res.location, allow_redirects=False)

    # access to the redirection URI
    res = testclient.get(res.headers["Location"])
    res.mustcontain("Hello World!")

Check the client application or resource server tutorials for more usecases.

Table of contents

Indices and tables